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 Forum Rules

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Number of posts : 77
Age : 38
Character name : Xtine
Real Name : Mark
Class and Lv : Cleric, lv 75
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules Icon_minitimeWed Apr 23, 2008 1:46 am

Please take note and abide by the following extremely reasonable common sense rules if you intend to keep this forum enjoyable.

No spam/Advertising: Advertising of any annoying chain letters and pyramid schemes are prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Flaming:Any material which constitutes harassment, foul languages, or abuse is also a common sense and will not be tolerated, unless of course stated that it is a joke. We're all adults, as far as I see, kids/man/woman are equal.

Offensive content:This by far will be the most issue at which the I, the Admin myself and a few others might sarcastically harass each other; please do not take offense. If you have any kids in the room while these few sobs are talking, you might want to have them leave the room. Racist remarks by its definition will not be tolerated and please keep generalization minimal.

Double Posting:Not that much of a problem; this is a fun forum, we're not some hard-ass-forum-maniacs-OMG-YOU-DOUBLE-POST-ban-pls kind of people.

Really... anything common sense; you folks should know better. We'll make our rules as we advances.

Also, please try to post your topic at the designated Category, if there isn't one, use General Discussion; or ask me for support.
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